Light and fluffy cookies with a little zip from the Greek yogurt.
Author: Kelsey Gibson
A fresh alternative to the prepackaged mixes that cost so much money. This recipe for chocolate chip raisin cookies makes 8 batches of cookies with approximately...
These cookies are like your mom's recipe with a few extra surprises! Serve with a cold glass of milk or dunked into your favorite coffee drink.
Author: Lauren Magenta
'Tis the season to make everything pumpkin, including the ever-popular pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. But what if you reverse that order, making a chocolate...
Author: Nicoletta
These vegan chocolate chip cookies are moist and delicious. You will love this recipe!
Author: Fangs09
Great when you want chocolate chip cookies but don't have all the ingredients or the prep time! Awesome! No eggs, no baking powder or soda, no salt, no...
Author: LuCynda Hansen
Extra rich chocolate chip cookies. These stay soft a long time!
Author: Maria Allison
My grandmother would send a huge box of cookies and candies to us every Christmas when I was a child. She always included these cookies because they were...
Author: mommietotwo
A recipe that you can eat with or without baking. Kids can help make this in the kitchen and you can bake it the next day if you prefer.
Author: KrysDannielle
This recipe is to die for. A twist on the classic Toll House® chocolate chip cookie recipe, but with extra chocolate.
Author: coxbrea151
These delicious cookie brownies are perfect, not too rich and not too bland. It is a brownie recipe on top of a brownie-shaped cookie. My dad tried it...
Author: sgotwalt
They have almost everything in them but the kitchen sink.
Author: Jeannie
These are called Nitey Night Cookies because you put them in a preheated - but turned-off oven - overnight, and when you wake up, they're ready to eat!...
Author: Kirsten Chepeus
These are the best and easiest passover cookies. Almost like the real thing. Cookies may be stored at room temperature for up to 2 days or frozen.
Author: Jen
Delicious shortbread logs with chocolate chips in the cookie and dipped in chocolate and nuts on the end.
Author: Rhonda Golub
I love these cookies but I really wanted to try to make them a little lighter. I actually used sweet potato puree for some of the butter and juice squeezed...
Author: MakeItHealthy
Mix all together in large mixing bowl. Drop onto cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes at 350 degrees, or till done.
Author: sal
These cookies are great; you get a double-dose of chocolate! My kids love them.
Author: Winnie
This single-serving recipe is perfect for toaster oven.
Author: Brook
For those of us that have more than one food allergy, for example, eggs and gluten, this is a great alternative.
Author: hopeconnex
These snowball cookies, also known as Mexican wedding cookies, are a great alternative for anyone with a nut allergy. Full of chocolate chips filled with...
Author: Yoly
With crispy edges, a chewy center, and the addition of tahini these cookies have a subtle nutty flavor. Add chopped nuts for that extra crunch.
Author: Yoly
Buckwheat is a sweeter, richer alternative to wheat flour. They are chewy, but still fluffy! They are also not like sand paper, like most gluten-free recipes,...
Author: Autumn Star
This homemade cookie mix for oatmeal-M&M®-chocolate chip cookies is so great, it makes an awesome gift for friends and families for any occasion! Store...
Author: Adrienne Buettner-Cable
Pack the dry ingredients for the homemade cookie mix in a 1-quart jar and attach a note with the instructions for making the cookies.
Author: Marie Angel Cat
The perfect bite-sized chocolate chip cookie recipe--crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Delicious fresh from the oven.
Author: Alisa
Gluten-free cookie. The flour is entirely chickpea, with a touch of cornstarch. Great taste and texture, like better or gourmet cookies.
Author: Robin Stauffer
A unique variation of the epic s'mores using graham cracker cereal and instant pudding. Toasting the marshmallows gives an authentic touch.
Author: shawn
These cookies are really just energy bars in cookie form. Packed with nutritious ingredients, they are crispy around the edges, rich, and have a nutty,...
Author: Diana71
My daughter had fine motor skill delays. We would make this Nutty Putty to play with, then eat. She would have so much fun she did not realize we were...
When dairy was no longer an option, I discovered how useful coconut oil was as a substitute to butter. I was excited to learn how easy it was to bake with...
Author: kndritter
If you need to feed a bunch of kids, this is the recipe. I have had it for years and use it often for the grandchildren.
Author: Sherry Lewis
A chewy bar cookie with chocolate chips. They are very can't eat just one piece.
Author: Paul Hecker
These are a heartier version of the traditional chocolate chip cookie recipes. Using spelt flour, which is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrate,...
Author: Katherine
This is whole grain, protein and omega-3 rich cookies! Our 12- and 9-year-old sons love these! Since there are no nuts contained, they bring them to school...
Author: ym
This is a Passover recipe that is popular year round!
Author: [email protected]
You'll feel the love with one bite of these white chocolate, chocolate chip cookies! Try adding shredded coconut for extra flavor.
Author: Litily Humpert
Great Christmas gift! Layer dry ingredients in a jar and add a tag with instructions: Add one stick of butter and an egg; mix and bake at 375 degrees F...
Author: inesgosner
My friends love it when I bring these to parties. The spice makes them tastier and a bit more interesting than your average chocolate chip cookie.
Author: Sandra
This was a basic cookie recipe I converted into a secret recipe using my wildest imagination. It's since become a family favorite, as well as one friends...
Author: Adina S
This cookie recipe uses a pre-made mix which can be stored for several weeks at room temperature. You can look at the recipe for Basic Cookie Mix here...
Author: Mellan
These cookies are amazing but I wanted to add some grains and cut the fat. By adding some cheerios and kiwi puree I have done just that. They taste great...
Author: MakeItHealthy
If you are wanting something different from the regular chocolate chip cookie, try these. They melt in your mouth and you can't eat just one!
Author: TONKA
These hot chocolate cookie cups are the perfect Christmastime treat.
Author: Jessica Furniss
I live in cherry country, northern Michigan, and we like everything with cherries. Add chocolate; what could be better?
Author: Louise
This recipe is for when you want rich, chewy chocolate chip cookies chock-full of chocolate chips and toasted nuts. I am happy to share my recipe with...
Author: Stacy M. Polcyn
Finally a paleo-friendly chocolate chip cookie that tastes like a traditional one. Gluten-, grain-, and dairy-free!
Author: NYJEN
These are a gluten-free version of the Toll House® cookie recipe. My daughter was on a gluten-free diet for 3 years and in that time I converted many...
Author: anja